Monday, August 20, 2007

Next stage.. Embrun

The TOC Cesson team had another small apartment (bottom of street in pic) booked for 1.5weeks. this town is home to the infamous (for crashes and difficulty) Grand Prix triathlon and the Embrunman- an Ironman in the Alps, included in their ride is the col d’Izoard (2360m). Crazy people!!!

Training was pretty tricky swimming wise as the only pool in the town was crowded most of the time- one lane out of 6 set aside for training- breastroke legs are a pain!!! Cycling and running were brilliant when you want to go hard, the downside being recovery session were up the same bloody mountains!!!! Nonetheless was great with the other ‘etrangers’ as we’re known and managed to get in some solid 5,7,11k climbs and of course col d’Izoard. The trip was somewhat marked by the terrible crash of Tam day as she took a fast descent during the grand Prix triathlon. Her head took the impact and serous injuries forced the hospital to put her in a medically induced coma for 10 days. Thoughts with her and family. Does bring one back to ground zero.

Thanks to the president of TOC Cesson for allowing me to stay with his club and the Touvron family for taking me back to Brittany- a 12hr drive with many French discussions!!! Back to the flat
of the president of my club, Ploemeur, thanks Greg!

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