Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Kenyan African Cup

After being delayed in Harare airport for 3hrs, touched down in Lusaka, then off again to Nairobi, arriving late, missing my connecting flight to Mombasa. Got on last flight to Mombasa, after waiting another 2hrs in Nairobi airport. Eventually got to our homestay and in bed at 1am.. an experience of note. Thanks to the Hassanali famili for looking after me while was in Mombasa.
Race.. shocking.. will keep this as brief as possible so dont bring up any more memories. From get go had no power and all was no going well. Anyway, ended up at the back of the small field and learnt some lessons about travel before a race, nutrition in an environment of 33deg and 70%humidity. Mombasa is an experience and take my hat off to the Kenyan Tri Community who put on a good race despite the craziness that is around.

Back to Harare for a week before racing last World Cup in Israel...


Ploemeur Triathlon said...

Hello Chris,
I find difficult to analyze if those recent results are good or not so, for your aim to compete in the Olympics.
Apparently, the conditions for your stay in Zimbabwe or Kenya are not very easy to handle with. South Africa must be a lot easier. Nice to read about Germiston. I ski on the lake in the middle of the city and had a very good victory over the Springboks. One of my best memory as a waterskier.
It is now freezing and rainig everyday here in France.
Best wishes for your next race in Israel. It's going to be interesting to fight against the big guys.
Yvon Le Gall.

Fi said...

Hi Chris

Following your progress with interest and pride.

Keep it up
