Monday, August 20, 2007

T de France..

Left Brittany on 28 July and headed to Paris for the final stage of the ‘dirty’ T de F. I was put up by the Hemings, who were very generous in their hospitality, thank you. It was great to experience Paris and the hype, media etc that go’s with the Tour. I must say that a World Cup Triathlon, having done one, is far more entertaining, with just as much hype.

I then travelled back to Brittany, hopping off the train half way to meet up with Kris McCartney and his g/f Ella, Tameka Day from Aus and Tom Moyes from NZ. These guys are other foreign athletes from the TOC Cesson team from Rennes. Now.. ALPS Time!

After a 11-12 hr drive, we hit the Alps, staying on the summit of Alp d’huez, roughly 1850m high. This was home for 5 nights, 5 people in a one room appt.. I had the space under the dining room table on the lounge floor!! All good!

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